Thursday, May 19, 2011

Girls Ministry Ideas- Peace and Quiet

 It is impossible to come up with good girls ministry ideas unless you get away and have some peace and quiet.  With any type of ministry planning there has to be a step where you are getting away from everything and just listening to what God wants to tell you.  This can be easier said than done though.  We live in a busy world with a lot of noise and distractions.  We also have have a lot responsibilities that we have to juggle.  But this does not mean we are excused from having peace and quiet it just means we must be intentional and creative about getting it.  You may not be able to get away for a retreat but you can lock your office for a few hours.  If that is not possible you may just have to get out of bed earlier.  Then you have to force yourself to turn off the phone, the TV, and the iPod and just talk to God and brainstorm while you go. This may be difficult for many of us but is something we must do.  After a while it will become easier and something you crave and will be just another discipline that you have built into your life.  And once you have this discipline you will be amazed at the difference in your ministry.  

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