Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Girls Ministry Ideas- Going Out To Lunch

When it comes to girls ministry ideas sometimes the simplest ideas are the best.  I definitely think that is true in this scenario.  This is one of the simplest ideas I have ever come up with but I truly believe it is one of the best.  This is the simple idea of taking the girls in your ministry out to lunch.  This takes minimal investment on your part but can have amazing lasting impact.  It seems like everywhere you look in the new Testament, whether with Jesus and His disciples or the early church, someone is sharing a meal together.  This was definitely a cultural thing but there is also something powerful about sharing a meal together.  There is time to build relationships.  There is time to open. There is time for you to show you care and to have teachable moments.  I encourage you to make this investment. Right now make contact with the girls in your ministry and set up a time.  You will be amazed at how little effort this takes on your part but at the same time you will be amazed at how rewarding and fruitful this time will be. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Girls Ministry Ideas- Accountability

One of the best girls ministry ideas is giving the girls in your ministry accountability.  This is always true but especially right about now.  Most of the girls you minister to will have the day off today.  Almost all of them will be on summer vacation soon.  This means that they will have a lot more free time.  This can lead to a lot of danger.  We all have been there. We were young once but even as we have aged handling free time can be a very difficult thing.  It can lead to us making poor choices.  You need to ensure that the girls in your ministry are making wise choices with their free time.  Do not just encourage them to avoid making wrong choices but also make sure that they are making right choices.  Make sure that they are taking action to chagne the lives of those around you.  This is true accountability.  For too long we have treated accountability as just a way to make sure we stay out of trouble instead of a way to spur one another on.  We need this accountability and you need to ensure that the girls in your group are receiving this accountability.  They will not survive without it.  

Friday, May 27, 2011

Girls Ministry Ideas- Bursting the Bubble

I do not mean to burst your bubble as you come up with girls ministry ideas but we can no longer afford to do youth ministry as usual.  Fun games and cool trips will no longer cut it.  Our students have real hurts and needs and are dealing with real issues everyday.  Our students are making choices that could literally cost them their lives each and every single day.  We need to be speaking truth into our student’s lives.  We need to discipling them.  We need to have open and honest conversations with them that point them to God and to the truth of His word.  We need to be reaching out to their parents or guardians so that there can be reinforcement of what we are talking about at home.  This may not be new to you, but for those of you still in a bubble I encourage you to get out of it and really listen to your student’s conversations about what their lives are like and the choices they are making. It may shock you at first but hopefully then it will spur you on to greater ministry.  

Thursday, May 26, 2011

[girlsministryideas] Re: [girlsministryideas] Re: Girls Ministry Ideas- Think Ahead

I am not sure I have been writing about girls ministry ideas for this long and have not mentioned this idea yet.  This is the big idea that our ministries should focus on.  Our ministries should be focused on inviting people to meet Jesus.  Sadly though many of our ministries do not get to this point or if we do it is in a very vague manner. Granted we would all say that our ministries focus on Jesus but is that truly being communicated.  Think about how you invite people to your group or events.  Is it come to camp where you will get to experience life change that only Jesus can offer?  Or is it come play games, eat snacks, and go to the beach (or wherever you go)?  Probably, if you were honest, your sales pitch is the latter. This must change.  Nothing we can offer compares to Jesus. Offer the opportunity to meet Him.  Make Him your central message and focus. Then sit back and be amazed at what happens. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

[girlsministryideas] Re: Girls Ministry Ideas- Think Ahead

When coming up with girls ministry ideas you need to think about how to help your girls overcome setbacks.  People of all ages have setbacks and dissapointments.  This seems to be especially true though when it comes to the age range that most of us minister to.  The other issue is that at this age, most of the girls in our minstries do not have the experience, maturity, or stability to deal with many of these setbacks.  This is where we step in. We need to help them to overcome these issues.  We need to combine love and grace with wisdom and discipline to help  them grow.  We need to show them how we as Christians are supposed to handle setbacks and how we are supposed to be a loving community for others who are facing tough issues. This does not come easily and will take time.  But this is an important part of disicpleship and learning how to deal with trials and adversity is a major part of developing Christian character.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Girls Ministry Ideas- Think Ahead

As you brainstorm girls ministry ideas you are obviously thinking about where you are going.  So in essence you are thinking ahead. The problem is that when many new ministries get up and running they stop this practice.  Then they just think in the moment.  This is not good. When this happens things sneak up on you and you get caught off guard. You fall behind and risk becoming oblivious to the needs of the girls in your ministry and the needs of those in your community. Then once you become aware of these things finally it might quite possibly be too late.  You need to always be thinking ahead.  Do not miss out on the joy of the moment but always be praying, seeking, and looking to where God wants you to go.  If you do this you will find far more success and a lot less headaches in your ministry than you will find if you do not.  

Monday, May 23, 2011

Girls Ministry Ideas- Mentoring

When it comes to girls ministry ideas one of the big things you need to consider is some type of mentoring program.  We often refer to this as discipleship.  This is something we are commanded to do, but in referring to it in this way I think we get a better picture of what disicpleship really is. It is about doing life together.  The girls in your ministry need people doing life with them. This means they show them how to do things, invite into their day to day lives, and have spiritual conversations along the way.  These relationships are vital in the maturing process of the girls you minister to. Ideally this happens at home with a mom or female caregiver but this may not be the case.  This is when you have to go out and find someone to fill this role.  There is no prototype for who would fill this role the best so just think outside the box.  The key is that they can stay committed and are spiritually mature.  Everything else is pretty negotiable.  So if you are not doing this yet make this your next step. Get out there and help build mentoring relationships for the girls in your ministry. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Girls Ministry Ideas- What will you do with today?

As  it is our mission to provide you with great girls ministry I want to provide you with a great one to think about today.  What will you do with today? It is Saturday and many of us will take this time to rest and relax.  That is a great thing and an important biblical concept.  The problem is that we often misunderstand and misue the idea of rest.  We usually take it as an excuse to be lazy.  We sit around and watch television all day and eat junk food. This is not biblical rest.  Biblical rest is about refocusing on God.  So I want you to think about what are you doing today? If you are going to make this a rest day that is awesome.  Spend some quality time with your family make room for spiritual discussions.  Take time to pray and study God's word. But also, look for opportunities to minister. Especially if this is not necessarily a rest day for you.  Use your time wisely.  Do not waste this day. Look for ways to impact those around you.  Look for ways to reach out to and encourage those you are in charge of ministering to.  Get in the habit of not falling into the trap the world and many Christians do of wasting the days we have. Get up and do something with the gift that is today.  

Friday, May 20, 2011

Girls Ministry Ideas- Do Something Special

Since we are in the business of providing you with all the girls ministry ideas you need, I thought I would share one in this blog.  Since the year is ended, and some of the girls in your ministry are seeing their high school career come to an end, why not do something special. School is ending and summer is here so why not take advantage of this opportunity to mark this change in season and set the tone for this summer.  Pick them up at school. Take them to lunch.  Send them a letter. Plan a simple event.  You could even make a simple phone call. Whatever you do just get out there and let the girls in your ministry know you are thinking about them and that you expect great things from them.  It will make a great impact in their lives and in turn it will make an impact of the lives of those around them.  

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Girls Ministry Ideas- Peace and Quiet

 It is impossible to come up with good girls ministry ideas unless you get away and have some peace and quiet.  With any type of ministry planning there has to be a step where you are getting away from everything and just listening to what God wants to tell you.  This can be easier said than done though.  We live in a busy world with a lot of noise and distractions.  We also have have a lot responsibilities that we have to juggle.  But this does not mean we are excused from having peace and quiet it just means we must be intentional and creative about getting it.  You may not be able to get away for a retreat but you can lock your office for a few hours.  If that is not possible you may just have to get out of bed earlier.  Then you have to force yourself to turn off the phone, the TV, and the iPod and just talk to God and brainstorm while you go. This may be difficult for many of us but is something we must do.  After a while it will become easier and something you crave and will be just another discipline that you have built into your life.  And once you have this discipline you will be amazed at the difference in your ministry.  

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Girls Ministry Ideas- In Their Shoes

As the people who come up with girls ministry ideas we probably have not been a student for a long while.  In fact, many of us may have never even been a girl.  This can put us in a special predicament.  To overcome this we need to take a moment to put ourselves in the shoes of those we minister to.  Think through what they deal with on a day to day basis.  Consider what their needs are.  Think about what truths they need to hear. Remember what it was like when you were that age and the things that you dealt with.   Then once you have thoroughly done this you can be prepared to brainstorm, plan, and do ministry.  This may be difficult but this practice is a necessity if you are going to effectively minister to others.  Take the extra time, pray through this, and put yourself in the shoes of those you minister to.  

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Girls Ministry Ideas- Got Off to A Late Start This Morning

When I brainstorm girls ministry ideas I really like to get up and do it early in the morning. There is just something about watching the sun come up and spending time with God.  But today the inevitable happened. I never heard my alarm go off.  When I woke up I was faced with a choice.  Sleep even later or force myself out of bed to still get a few things done. I chose the latter and I am glad I did.  The circumstances were not perfect or how I had hoped they would be but I knew I still had a job to do. The Christian life is the same way some times.  We have an ideal picture for how things should look or how we want things to go. But this does not always work out. Even when this is the case though we still have to persevere and remember that we have a job to do.  Remember this lesson and share it with those around you. Also, as a bonus, I encourage you to push yourself to be a morning person.  You do not have to be happy just get out of bed.  I think you will find you will be more productive and will be amazed at the chagnes in your spiritual life.  Wow, it is amazing the things you can learn just by sleeping too late.  I hope not to make a habit out of this though.  The sleeping late that is.  Have a blessed day.  

Monday, May 16, 2011

Girls Ministry Ideas- No Such Thing As Summer Vacation

If you have been in the business of brainstorming girls ministry ideas for long you have probably seen the same phenomenon I have.  Many students around this time of year start thinking about summer vacation.  This is not bad altogether but the problem is that they also tend to take a summer vacation from church too.  We must realize there is no vacation in the Christian life. We always have some ways that we could be growing and something that we should be doing.  You need to live this idea out and model it for your group.  You need to begin speaking this idea clearly to each and everyone one of the students in your ministry.  You need to see this season as not a time of vacation but a time of growth. Instead of slowing down look for ways to grow.  Look for ways that you can fellowship, dig deeper into God's word, and find ways to do outreach in this summer season.  Let this be a season of growth and change for you instead of a season where you just sit back and wait for the next one.  

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Girls Ministry Ideas- Teaching the Bible

You are probably busy brainstorming girls ministry ideas.  But among those ideas have you been brainstorming ways to better teach the bible?  A lot of us have a lot of different views on attaining biblical knowledge.  Our upringing, theology and denominational affiliations all play into these views. But we have to realize that biblical knowledge is important.  Recently though truly teaching the bible has been neglected and our students are suffering for it.  They are lacking the biblical knowledge that many of us have gained.  We have to right this wrong.  We have to start giving our students a firm foundation in God's word.  Granted there is a balance.  Many of us learned God's word but never actually lived differently. This is not any better than what we have now.  But when taught properly the bible is what propels us to live differently.  Right now though we have neither bible knowledge or right living. As a leader and/or minister make sure you are finding ways to effectively teach God's word in a way that transforms lives and makes the students in your ministry life changers.  

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Girls Ministry Ideas- Flexibility

When it comes to planning and implementing girls ministry ideas we need to have flexibility.  Sometimes our ideas will not work. We have to be flexible so that we can be prepared to make changes or scrap the idea altogether.  Sometimes the ideas we come up with will need to be for somewhere down the road. We need to be flexible enough to have patience and put our idea off.  Sometimes it will not be our idea or someone's idea will be better. We need to have the flexibility to humble ourselves and use the ideas of others.  Still other times people will come up with great ideas and it would simply exhaust us to pull it off. We have to fight overload.  We need to be either flexible enough to say no sometimes or flexible enough to delegate the responsiblity.  In all areas of ministry flexibility is key but this is especially true in this area of planning ideas and then implementing those ideas.  

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Girls Ministry Ideas- Dealing with Emotions

One of the girls ministry ideas that you need to be brainstorming is how to deal with the many emotions that the girls in your ministry will be feeling.  Yes guys feel emotions too but it seems in the age range that is probably in your ministry, girls seem to face them a lot more.  They are just going through a whole lot, dealing with body image issues, and being bombarded by the world with pressures and negative influences.  You need to be prepared to help them deal with the emotions that will rise.  You need to know when to be comforting and when to show some tough love.  You need to be ready to acknowledge that emotions are natural and a part of life.  It is okay to hurt and be sad.  But we have to work through things so we can grow.  Some of you will be great at this.  You are natural comforters and exhorters.  Some of us, like me, have to work on this a little.  Wherever you fall in the spectrum just make sure you are always ready and willing to minister in whatever fashion is necessary and appropriate.  

Monday, May 9, 2011

Girls Ministry Ideas- Know Your Culture

When coming up with girls ministry ideas it is important that you know the culture of your group and your community.  This does not just mean ethnicity although that is a part of it.  I am talking about the needs, interests, and norms of your community.  This is unique in each town and each church.  Then within each group of people this can become even more unique or diverse.  You need to know what these needs, interests, and norms are so that you can plan ministry and events accordingly.  You need to know what will work well. You need to know what you might need to change about the culture or what barriers you might need to overcome.  This process is not difficult, it just takes some observation, conversations, and maybe a little research.  But this step in the process is vital when it comes to how successful you will be. 

Girls Ministry Ideas- Prayer

When it comes to coming up with girls ministry ideas one of the biggest keys is prayer.  Any brainstorming or planning in ministry or life should start with prayer.  In prayer we find wisdom and direction.  Through prayer our hearts are aligned with God's so that we can know where He is leading us.  If we do not start in prayer then we do things in our own power and do things our own way.  When this happens we will more than likely fail and will quite possibly do quite a bit of harm if we are not careful.  I encourage you, before you do anything else, stop and pray.  Pray like you never have before.  Pray for every part of your ministry and planning.  Spend hours on your face before God.  I believe if youdo this your life will change, your planning will be easier, and your ministry will be more powerful and effective.  

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Girls Ministry Ideas- Are Events A Good Idea?

As someone who has been coming up with girls ministry ideas for a while, I have begun to wrestle with the idea of whether or not events are a good thing.  Some of you may not be here with me yet.  Some of you may just believe that all events are good all the time. For those of you who are there let me explain my mindset. There are two main issues I have with events.  The first is what is the long term impact of the event? Quite often the event will give a little bump and then things will fizzle out. Also, I often fall into tunnel vision when I am event planning. I lose sight of everything else, including ministry opportunities, for the sake of planning an event. I am just being honest and if you were honest I am sure you have been there two.  Because of these two issues I have started to question events. But here is the realization I have come to; don't overdo it.  Just have events when necessary and make sure you do them the right way.  Having events does have a lot of benefits for the girls in your ministry and your community when done properly.  That is why we have included some events in our product.  We want to get you started on the right track, help you with follow-up afterwards, and free you up in your planning to focus more on relationship building and ministry opportunities.  So do not shy away from events just be wise about them.  And I encourage you to let our ministry resources help you in planning the next event you have.  

Friday, May 6, 2011

Girls Ministry Ideas- What are we here for?

Are you a student pastor or volunteer looking for girls ministry ideas? We have been in your shoes.  This task can be quite overwhelming if not done properly.  That is where we come in.  We have been in your shoes and when we were there we have found there were not a lot of resources provided that were of good quality.  We also found that you had to buy several things from several different places in order to get all that you need.  We want to right that wrong.  We want to provide you with all the resources and training that you need to make your girls ministry powerful and effective.  We also want to do that in one easy to access location.  From events, to bible studies, to training, our goal is to provide you with everything you need.  Whether you are just getting started or have been going at this for years and are looking to improve, we have what you need to take your next step in your ministry.